Fair Principles of Research



Results in the form of deliverables, minutes and other documentation will be published on the website. CCI4EU will make data available through trusted repositories such as Zenodo as recommended by the EC’s OpenAIRE initiative. The mutual transfer of information between partners will be carried out in compliance with GDPR requirements.



Criteria included in CCI MM (WP2), country database related to CCI4EU survey (WP3), the educational courses delivered via the e-ESO platform (WP5) destined at first to registered users and then to everybody through the re-published as open access material, reports on Deep Dives (WP6), the assessment of CB achievements (WP7) will be all accessible.



All data from WPs will use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. Specifically, for educational videos and slides (WP5) they will be available by contacting the ESO IT team which will provide the MP4 and PDF files.



CCI4EU will made open and available the complete, cleaned, de-identified copy of the final data set used in conducting the final analyses and the report on the results generated by the project for use in further collaborative studies.

Life sciences and medical research have a long tradition of open access data repositories.
Public repositories ensure that data are FAIR - Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable - correctly curated, accessible and maintained in the long term. During the selection process of a repository, we took into account existing comparisons in literature on research data management platforms regarding architecture, flexible metadata or interoperability. We also considered the specific needs and circumstances of the cancer care context.

The public repository we opted for was Zenodo, that ensures an easy and widespread dissemination of the information generated by the project (research publications and data), and it is recommended by the EC’s OpenAIRE initiative in order to bring together all the research results arising from EC-funded projects.

Zenodo enables researchers, EU projects and research institutions to share and showcase multidisciplinary research results (data and publications) that are not part of existing institutional or subject-based repositories (not yet publicly accessible).

Zenodo is also an alternative for project partners that do not have access to an institutional repository. Finally, it allows researchers to store both publications and data, while providing tools to link them.

Open Access

This Coordination Support Action will adhere to EU’s Open Science policy to boost the impact of CCI4EU results by sharing them since project start as openly as possible, as closed as necessary. In detail:

Open methodology
results will be made at all levels comprehensible and reproducible for external researchers
Open data
CCI4EU will participate in the EU Open Research Data scheme adhering to the EC rules to facilitate open research data
Open access and review
CCI4EU will provide free access to all peer-reviewed publications by either gold or green Open Access. To facilitate access, all publications links will also be available on the project website and Zenodo
Open educational resources
the educational material delivered via the e-ESO platform, further to live events, will be extracted and re-published as open access material
Research Data Management
A Data Management Plan (DMP) will be delivered at month 6 (WP1), identifying best practices and specific standards, taking into account ethical and IPR related constraints, for the access, storage & curation, and anonymization at the required grade, of the collected data during project’s activities. These practices ensure data suitability for sharing and reuse in accordance with legal ground and ethical requirements of GDPR while supporting EC open access and guidelines

Gender Equality

Work in progress

Privacy Notice

Work in progress

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